Sunday, September 14, 2008

School has Begun

Classes Started this week, so far, normal, but they are all much more interesting than most of my previous classes. I am taking one on Shinto, one on Japan in Western Film and Literature, and of course my language and writing courses. Class is fun, but the 9:00 Classes suck to get to, I have to be out the door by 8:20-8:25 or else the mile+ walk makes me late for class. These photos are of the campus, which is rather large, so I couldn't get all of it.

This is the center of campus from a window in the building where my classes are.

This is a corridor, that's right a corridor

This is the main building from the center of the lawn at night, quite a spectacle.

And this is campus during the day, not as pretty, but rather nice non the less.
After classes I usually hit up a grocery store or 100 yen shop. Walking around is always a bit of fun, and I've found that you never quite know what to expect if you're willing to poke around a bit. Although I wish I had a bike, without walking I never would have found these beauties.
That's right, it's exactly what you think it is. These were lying just to the side of the sidewalk I come down from the grocery store. Don't get me going on the porn in the 7/11.
You would also be surprised at their agricultural habits. Right in the middle of town, and in random places throughout the city, are bits of rice fields and random gardens, all quite large.

This is a pathway going through a large rice field. That is a garden in the back, it is very nice and there are always a few elderly people working the fields.

I know the things in the air are hard to see, but i couldn't help but grab a picture of all the bats over the field pictured above. The sky was just full, I'm betting bats in the attic are a common thing for the houses in the surrounding area.

This is a palm tree. Nothing amazing, but I have been passing it every day and I just noticed it. Yay, palm tree.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Nihon E Yokoso

Well, I've been in a Japan a week now. The food is great, class starts tomorrow, and my Japanese is already improving. I've come to know the local area fairly well, see pictures below, and I love the houses and fields I've been seeing. The cars are small and the trucks look like toys, but I have seen one I could call a semi, but I don't have a picture. For those of you who have nothing better to do than read these things (teenagers especially) this is not for you, it's for my girlfriend and friends and people who have an actual interest in Japan. Please don't send me anything unless you want to ask a question, or have a good suggestion about places and events worth seeing or eating at. You are welcome to peruse through this and take my experiences as they are. For those of you who are interested in their own Japanese adventure, please look up Kansai Gaidai University.

A few of the larger local houses and their gardens

A local shrine and park

The Main Shrine Building, I couldn't get a good picture of the inside yet. Perhaps at a later date.

A smaller shrine to the right of the one above.