Sunday, October 5, 2008

An Uncalled for Update

Alrighty, so I've got nothing new ;( Life goes on, I eat, I sleep, I do my homework (oh that is new :D), and I go to class. As I've nothing exciting to add, I'll just through some random things of interest in and see how the reaction goes. Below you'll find the highlights of the last two weeks, well all the highlights that I had my camera with to capture for y'all. Here goes.

This scared the crap out of me. This was in the local Top World, some sort of grocery chain, and my reaction was enough to attract attention from the grocer stocking the shelves behind me. I don't know how this attracts customers, the guy just screams Gingerbread House Fiasco, to me at least.
While it doesn't come out as well as I would like, this is a garden I passed in the rain. I liked the way the rain gathered to the right of the walkway and it's contrast with the rains sheen off the greenery to the left.
This was a large apple, that's a normal sized computer mouse, yeah. I also like the individual suits given to the apples, imagine a large box full of these :D. While it was a juicy apple I still prefer the crunchy sweet apples from home.
As of tomorrow I should have a fresh batch of funds, so next weekend should provide a much more interesting post :D, I'm thinking arcade or party, whatever I find first.